应用程序时间 & 最后期限

3月1日- 4月1日. 我们只接受在线填写和提交的申请 申请期限.  所有材料必须在4月1日前收到. LVN计划 从秋季学期开始.


As a requirement to access the clinical affiliate sites which are a required part of the curriculum, all students must show proof of completion of an approved Covid-19 疫苗接种系列.

Although students might be eligible to obtain an exemption to participate in activities on campus, our clinical affiliate sites do not afford trainees this option for the 病人和工作人员的安全和保护.


Before applying to the 持牌职业护理课程, please review the following 入学要求和推荐.

  1. You must have the ability to communicate safely, accurately, and effectively in both 书面和口语. 如果英语是你的第二语言,你会受到鼓励 to enroll in Speech 3, 10, 121 and/or 125 and HLSC 115 to enhance your success.
  2. 我们不保留成绩单或申请文件. 如果你要重新申请,你必须 resubmit transcripts, 应用程序s, and a California Certified Nursing Assistant license 每个申请期.
  3. 申请前必须完成先决条件.
  4. We highly recommend that basic science courses (human nutrition, human physiology, human anatomy, and lifespan psychology) are completed within the past five years with C或更高的分数.
  5. All courses offered in the 职业护理课程 may be challenged for credit. 与部门联系获取信息.
  6. 提交申请并不保证被录取.
  7. If you are requesting a transfer from another nursing program or 跳级, you will need to obtain a petition from Student and Learning Services in L-112.


1  申请入读PCC

If you are not currently enrolled at PCC, you need to apply for admission to the college 除了申请有执照的职业护理计划. 现向PCC申请 .


To apply to the 职业护理课程 you need to submit an online 应用程序 包,包括:

  • 一份完整的职业护理课程申请表
    Applications are only available online during the filing periods (Mar 1 - Apr 1).
  • 一名官员说.S. 高中成绩单或GED证书或同等学历报告 从学校合格的公司来的. 成绩单必须保存为 PDF档案,并随申请表一并上传. 将PDF文件标记为“高中成绩单”. 大学学位不能取代高中成绩单要求.  A copy 高中文凭的证书不是成绩单,不会被接受.
  • 所有申请者 should submit a PDF copy of official transcripts from any college attended 在太阳城集团官方网址导航外. 所有申请者都需要上传一份 official transcripts from each college (including Advanced Placement transcript scores 和太阳城集团官方网址导航)参加了你的在线申请. 官方成绩单 may be requested throughout the process for verification or upon admission to the program. 为你上过的每一所大学创建一个PDF文件. 给每个学院标上标签 附有学院名称的PDF文件.*If you have foreign transcripts, please read our information on how to have your 成绩单评估.
  • Completion of a California Department 公共卫生 approved nursing assistant 课程或同等学历. 这可以通过提交学术成绩单来完成 completion of a California Department 公共卫生 approved Nursing Assistant course, or an issued certificate of completion showing the number of hours of training 个小时完成. 文档必须以PDF文件的形式保存并上传 应用程序. 将PDF标记为“完成CNA”.
  • 有效的不受限制的加州护士助理执照证明.  You may 打印你的C.N.A. 加州公共卫生部的证明 许可和认证验证网站. The C.N.A. License必须保存 并以PDF格式随申请表一起上传. 将PDF标记为“C”.N.A. License". 过期证书不被接受.

Note: All selected applicants should request two (2) official transcripts from each college 他们参加了. 一份成绩单必须提交给招生办公室 和记录. 保留一份成绩单作为个人记录. 所有申请者 are required to upload a set of official transcripts from each college (including 大学预修课程成绩单分数)与您的在线申请一起参加.

Follow these basic directions for scanning documents to your online 应用程序:
1. 使用打印机或扫描仪等设备扫描正式成绩单
2. Follow the scanner manufacturer's directions to scan each document to your computer 或u盘
3. 扫描前选择PDF文件格式选项. 只有PDF格式的成绩单 和其他证明文件将被接受. JPEG、GIF、BMP、TIF、 截图、word文档等. 会否被纳入申请程序.
4. Save your PDF document to a folder in a location on your computer or removable drive that you can easily access (Desktop or Documents folder is suggested)

NOTE: Students who do not have access to a personal scanner may choose to use a commercial copying center to have their required documents scanned and made into PDFs that then 可以作为申请的一部分上传吗.

Follow these basic directions for uploading documents to your online 应用程序:
1. When prompted on the 应用程序 to upload your documents marked "Drop Files here 或“选择文件”,单击此按钮
2. 双击文件(点击两次)选择文件
3. 您的文件将被上传.


It is your responsibility to request the transcripts from the schools you have attended 并要求将它们直接发送到PCC招生处 & 验收后的档案室 到程序中. 所有成绩单必须是正式的.


1. By Mail


招生 & 档案室L-113
1570 E. 科罗拉多大街.

2. 电子版(只提供PDF格式)


1.   第三方供应商凭证公司发来的电子邮件.,羊皮纸,国家学生 清算所

2.   Emailed from a school or 3rd party vendor not listed above to transcripts@clubdugagnant.com

3.   请注意,学生通过电子邮件发送的成绩单将不被接受

不完整的申请将不被考虑在选择过程中. Official sealed unopened transcripts must also be sent to the 太阳城集团官方网址导航 招生 和记录办公室,如果被接受的程序.


The following courses must be passed with a "C" grade or better to apply for the Licensed 职业护理课程.


  • NURS 103 - Certified Nursing Assistant certificate from the State of California or 等效. 这可以通过提交学业成绩单来完成 of a California Department 公共卫生 approved Nursing Assistant course, or an issued certificate of completion showing the number of hours of training hours completed.
  • Proof of a valid unrestricted State of California Certified Nursing Assistant License.
  • 营养011 -人类营养
  • 心理学024 -寿命(从出生到死亡)
  • 解剖学025 -人体解剖学
  • 生理学001 -人类生理学


We use the following criteria to determine acceptance amongst eligible applicants:

  1. 完成项目入学申请.
  2. 毕业于认可的美国高中或同等学历.
  3. 完成所有必修课程,至少2分.平均绩点75.
  4. 官方U.S. 高中(或同等学历)和正式的大学成绩单.
  5. Students who have completed previous college nursing course work and are requesting 跳级 must provide transcripts and submit a petition to the college for 跳级. 如果申请被批准,将进行理论和实验考试 技能可以被管理. 这次考试必须达到“C”或以上的成绩.
  6. 现任护士助理(C.N.A.)加州政府部门颁发的证书 公共卫生

Enrollment is determined by the applicant pool and the selection process is by lottery 同时遵守所有联邦和州法律. 替补队员将随机选出 选择和候补身份不能保证录取. 卫生科学司 是否只会以电邮通知申请人申请的进度.  请 当你申请这个项目时,确保你的电子邮件是最新的.  我们不保持等待 每年都列一个清单. 申请人需要每年重新申请可能的录取. 该项目从秋季学期开始上课.


We will notify applicants to the 职业护理 Program by email approximately 申请期结束后12周.


  1. 完成健康检查(将提供表格)
  2. Complete a criminal background check in order to be able to attend clinical experiences. If you have questions or concerns about the background check, we encourage you to make an appointment to discuss these concerns with the nursing program director. You 也可在《太阳城集团官方网址导航》网站 www.bvnpt.ca.gov.
  3. 获得美国心脏协会医疗保健提供者CPR证书. 其他类型的 不接受CPR认证(例如:红十字会认证).
  4. 购买医疗事故保险
  5. Provide official college transcripts of all colleges attended (with the exception 太阳城集团官方网址导航的招生和记录办公室.
  6. Purchase the required campus and clinical uniforms, name badge, and uniform patch.
  7. 购买课本和其他必需的用品.

Details regarding the program acceptance requirements will be provided with the acceptance 选择包.


If you are a student with foreign transcripts, you must have your 成绩单评估 在申请前由以下三家公司之一提供:

(310)-258-9451 | www.ierf.org

(310)-275-3530 | http://acei-global.org/

(626)-339-4404 | www.aerc-eval.com